6 Ideas for Healthy Dog Training Treats

When training dogs, having an effective rewards system in place that recognizes their efforts goes a long way. While there are various types of training, one of the best rewards is one they can eat. If edible treats work well, it’s important to make sure the best dog training treats are on the list.

Types of dog training treats

The type of dog treats used when training can make a difference and help the dog focus. It’s important to understand the reaction of the dog to ensure they aren’t too distracted waiting for the treat. There should be a healthy variety of treats when used for training. There are many treats on the market that may not be that great, so doing a little research on healthier alternatives is key.

Evaluating dog training treats

The goal is to get the dog well-trained with a little incentive. The right kinds of treats can help dogs learn new behaviors at a faster pace, they will be more responsive and focused without distractions, they will be receptive to different kinds of treats, the dog’s health and caloric intake can be monitored, and they can gradually become less dependent on food as a primary treat.

It's always a good thing to classify dog training treats into three categories: high-value, medium value, and low-value. Here’s the difference between each:

  • High-value High-value treats are the cream of the crop and should be used for something great, like introducing new behavior, rewarding them for quick responses, and counter conditioning. They are usually something the dog doesn’t get on a continuous basis and can be freeze-dried, moist, and smelly.

  • Medium value These treats are given more frequently when the dog maintains behaviors previously learned, in somewhat distracting environments, and for good behavior. They are semi-moist or dry but aren’t something the dog gets during a regular meal.

  • Low value Low-value treats come in handy to continue good behavior and are usually part of regular activities. They are usually dry and crunchy.

Treat ideas that make a difference

What are some of the best healthy dog treats used for training? Here are some great ideas:

  • Cooked meat This meat should be lean like boiled chicken breast. Make sure it’s cut into small pieces. Chicken is healthy, has omega-6 fatty acids which help the coat and skin of the dog, and is usually gentle on the stomach.

  • Apple slices Apples are great for dogs because they are tasty, crunchy, which helps in cleaning the teeth and breath, and very healthy. The slices should be unseeded and small.

  • Fresh veggies There’s nothing like a good vegetable to keep dogs healthy and learning. Green beans, broccoli, and carrots are all good choices but should be cut very small and used sparingly.

  • Gerber’s baby food Meat flavors and vegetable purees make the dogs come running. Not only is it good for babies, but great for dogs too! In environments that have a lot of distractions, this is a high-value treat.

  • Natural Balance Mini Rewards These healthy treats have less than five calories each. Made with lamb, chicken, or duck, this is another incentive treat that gets results.

  • Zuke’s Mini Naturals Health Dog Training Treats These treats are soft, chewy, and are less than three calories. Good for training, they have no artificial flavors, colors, soy, corn, or wheat.

Need more advice on healthy dog training treats that will keep their attention while protecting their digestive system? Contact us, request an appointment and speak to one of our professionals today!